Letter to Fabian

Hamilton MP

My next step was to contact my MP, Fabian Hamilton


22 February 2015

Fabian Hamilton MP

335 Roundhay Road

Leeds LS8 4HT

Re historical child abuse – Savile


Dear Fabian


Please treat my communications as confidential as my family are unaware I am a victim of Savile,


please use the email address above for all communications.


Please see attached copy of two confidential letters originally sent to Jeremy Hunt MP and one formal complaint letter sent to the cabinet office following no response. These letters were passed on the department of health at the insistence of the cabinet office who formerly responded recently and I enclose a copy with this email.


I am writing to you, my MP, as a victim denied justice for any support you may be able to provide. As a child I was a victim of abuse at the hands of a person so famous and well connected that his fame and connections in society elevated him to a position where he could act without being challenged.


This unchallenged status resulted in the worst case of multiple sexual abuse in our history.


When I finally decided to tell my story I volunteered to talk to the NHS investigation team set up to determine how Savile had used his fame and connections to remain unchallenged, only to be disbelieved, treated as an unreliable witness, unworthy of inclusion into the compensation scheme and not in need of psychiatric care, with no right of appeal.


Despite the passionate speech to the house by Jeremy Hunt MP and the televised outcome of the NHS enquiry by an emotional Kate Lampard, I feel that I am a victim for a second time at the hands of people so famous and well connected that their fame and connections in society elevate them to a position where their actions cannot be challenged.


It is my opinion that the investigation team, whose actions cannot be challenged, deny justice to the victims of Savile for a second time.




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