As you might imagine, the Ombudsman had not had a complaint like this before and started out by saying that they would investigate this complaint.
After 18 months, the investigation had stalled and I sent this letter.
FAO Dame Julie Mellor
The Parliamentary & Health Ombudsman Service
Millbank Tower, Millbank
London SW1P 4QP
Re ongoing investigation
Dear Dame Julie
As I am sure you are aware, I am now in the 2% of cases which could not be resolved in 12 months, I am concerned about the way in which my case is progressing as it is now 15 months since your service started to investigate on 13 December 2015 and four months without any meaningful dialogue whatsoever.
In Amanda Lynch’s last letter to me, dated 08 December, she advised that my case was stalling as a direct result of the DOH and the NHS litigation authority decision that the information you needed was subject to legal privilege. She advised me that your department would seek to arrange a meeting with the DOH and NHS litigation authority to discuss how to move matters forward. I am concerned that despite another 4 months elapsing, no such meeting has been arranged.
I understand that my case has been passed by Carol Bevis to Ms Gill Keep and that she is currently appraising herself with the details of my case.
Amanda Lynch offered to meet with me to discuss my case in early 2015, this was not deemed necessary at that time, however I now feel that a meeting to review progress would be of benefit all concerned.
I have taken the liberty of booking train tickets and hotel accommodation to attend a meeting with you, or a nominated representative, on Friday 26 May 2017 and look forward to having a detailed discussion regarding my case at this time. It would obviously be very helpful if Ms Keep could complete reading my case file by then and have discussions with the DOH and the NHS litigation authority, in time for the meeting on the 26th May. Please let me know what time would best suit your requirements.
I shall be attending the meeting with my friend REDACTED who is aware of my case and the abuse I suffered at the hands of Savile. I understand he has written to you directly about my case. Please remember that my family are unaware of my victim status so all contact should be via my email address above.