
This is the true story of a twelve-year-old boy who was groomed and abused by Jimmy Savile in the Leeds General Infirmary in 1972, assaulted in his car and later witnessed him abuse a dead woman at the same hospital.


The autobiography provides details of the abuse and the consequences it had upon the life of the author.


Eventually, in 2012, following television documentaries detailing other victim’s abuse at the hands of Savile, the author plucked up the courage to tell the police.


This is the story of how the author was mis treated by the police, solicitors, Speaking Out inquiry team, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman and the DOH legal department and the author is certain he was not the only victim selected for similar treatment.


Despite Jeremy Hunt stating in Parliament that the victims had been ignored and must be believed, he did not mean it, as this was not what happened.


It is the authors opinion that, as the vast machine employed to protect the NHS/DOH Parliament etc. from the fall out emanating from the Savile scandal rolled forward, it crushed the very people who it was supposed to listen to and learn from.


It is the authors opinion that as a result, others failed to come forward, resulting in the inevitable 2020 headline stories of another Savile like abuser, in the NHS, who has again been free to abuse unchallenged for decades.

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