Prior to the Ombudsman's meeting I felt that it would be prudent to bring Liz Dux, (formerly of Slater Gordon and the person most seen in television interviews at the time the news broke), back into the frame, and I wrote to ask for her help, she was now a high flying barrister and had built her career on the back of the Savile outrage. I wrote to her as below.
07 February 2017
FAO Liz Dux
Littleton Chambers
3 King's Bench Walk North
Re historical victim of Savile – compensation claim denied by DoH
This letter should be treated as confidential as my family are unaware of my status as a victim of Savile, all correspondence should be via my email address above, only.
Dear Liz
I hope you are well, if you recall you took my case in 2012 when the news about Savile broke along with hundreds of others, unfortunately my claim for compensation from the DoH was denied and our relationship ended with you advising that there was nothing more you could do.
In the interim period, several things have happened which I would like to make you aware of.
For the avoidance of any doubt, I was/have;
· Groomed by Savile as a 12 year old child whilst visiting LGI hospital
· Sexually assaulted by Savile at a pre-arranged meeting in his car
· Sexually assaulted by Savile a second time in his car on St James’s site close to the chapel
· Witnessed Savile sexually assault a dead woman on a trolley in a lift in the LGI hospital
· Physically assaulted by Savile in a stairwell in the LGI hospital as a warning never to tell, causing long term injuries to my testicles
· Had recorded four crimes committed by Savile based on my testimony by West Yorkshire Police
· Recently received psychoanalytical psychiatric care to help overcome the mental scars from my childhood
After I received notice from you that my claim had been denied, I contacted my MP Fabian Hamilton who, after meeting me, has gone on the record stating that he believed every word I said. He took up my case and asked questions in the house, he managed to get the DoH to request Kate Lampard investigate how the enquiry team reached their decision. In a subsequent meeting with Kate, Fabian was told that my claim had been denied because “I could not have witnessed Savile assault a dead woman, as the hospital had procedures in place at the time to prevent such an occurrence”?
The fact I was stating I had witnessed this in 2012, prior to Savile’s access to the hospital morgues became public knowledge, and the fact that the final report produced by the same team cited cases where Savile had been witnessed by hospital staff moving bodies inappropriately several times at both the LGI and Stoke Mandeville, has been consistently rejected by the DoH and the enquiry team as a reason to reconsider their decision. The enquiry team seem to have fixated upon this single issue and are ignoring other aspects of my case such as the grooming, two sexual assaults and the physical sexual assault I suffered at the hands of Savile, Jeremy Hunt MP has simply refused to see my MP despite initially promising to do so.
The case has been accepted for investigation by the Parliamentary Ombudsman now for over a year, however the DoH will not communicate with them, instead citing the case is subject to client legal privilege, making any form of investigation into this matter nearly impossible.
It was always my understanding when I elected to come forward as a victim to tell my story to the enquiry team, led by Kate Lampard, that the NHS/DoH welcomed witness testimony and wanted to understand how Savile had managed to groom, assault and defile children, patients, visitors, and corpses within hospitals, whilst driving a coach and horses through the procedures supposedly in place.
As we can see from the brief outline of my case above, the DoH enquiry, rather than listen and learn, determined to re write history by hiding behind their belief that “procedures were in place” to deny my victim status, and therefore any claim I may have had against the fund set up to compensate victims. It was only because of victims like me coming forward and extreme pressure by the press that an enquiry was held and a complete top down review/redesign of all hospital procedures under government, press and public scrutiny was completed to ensure this could never happen again.
I note that your Linked in profile states "As Head of the Abuse Team at Slater and Gordon, I am regarded as one of the country's leading experts in civil claims for child abuse and sexual assault. Representing claimants in such high profile cases as Savile, Harris, Janner plus numerous victims of abuse in schools, local authority care, church organisations. As such I am now regarded as an expert media commentator on the law surrounding abuse and sexual assault making regular appearances on prime time TV and radio news programmes including BBC news, Today, Newsnight, Sky news, LBC, ITN, Radio 5 Live and have been quoted in most of the leading national press. I was awarded the Title of Times "Lawyer of the Week" for my work on the Savile case where we represented 168 victims.
I take great pride in representing victims of sexual assaults in their quest to achieve truth and justice.”
It is my considered opinion (and that of my MP and psychiatrist) that the DoH should reconsider on the grounds it is unreasonable to deny my claim based solely upon the fact that procedures were in place in the hospital to prevent anyone from moving a deceased person single handed, when quite simply Savile did not follow hospital procedures?
I would welcome any help you can offer along with any pressure you could bring to bear that may help the DoH to understand that they are taking an unreasonable stance.
Unfortunately Liz had moved on, her career secure now, and I never received a reply.