I told the ombudsman in my first meeting with them that I intended to file my story, along with the supporting documents with IICSA the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.
I was good to my word and shared all documents with them along with a letter for their attention, in my letter I describe the way I feel I have been played by the NHS inquiry and their legal department.
It is my belief that I am the only victim to actually witness Savile assault a dead body, that they wanted to shut me up and close my case down as my testimony was beyond what they could handle. I was never going to fit neatly into their published report. The scandal was just too great.
My letter to IICSA contained a small table; -
Those who believed I was a victim Those who do not.
West Yorkshire Police Ray Galloway
The Met Police
My sister
My solicitor
My Psychiatrist
My MP’s secretary
My friend and confidant
The Parliamentary Ombudsman
Unfortunately, the one person who I met in person to discuss my abuse by Savile who did not believe I was a victim, was the one person the Speaking Out inquiry chose to determine witness’s civil liability on behalf of the DOH.
My letter to IICSA concluded with advice I would now give to any person who has suffered historical sexual abuse.
Do not under any circumstances come forward and report it, as the fact remains true today as always, it is highly likely that you will not be believed.
The trauma and relief of finally telling your story is palpable, but when you are not believed, it is in my opinion further abuse and far worse than the abuse suffered originally.
Other than an acknowledgment in 2018 that IICSA have my contact details, they have not done so, I presume that as they require no further information, or to meet me to discuss this case of abuse, that they are happy with the way I have been treated.
As a victim of historical abuse, it was my opinion that IICSA were looking to right such cases and restore justice to those denied it.
Once again, I was proven wrong.
IICSA have acknowledged they received a copy of my book, and have thanked me for the content provided which is now included in the inquiry outcome statement, especially the missed opportunity chapter.
They also agree that the incidents involving Paul Farrell at Great Ormond Street Hospital have parallels with the Jimmy Savile case.
I am certain that the David Fuller case recording more than 100 incidents of necrophilia at mortuaries in Tunbridge Wells Hospital and at the former Kent and Sussex Hospital has not escaped their attention, along with the similarities to Jimmy Savile'